REACTION - Fallout 4’s next gen update is a timely move given the inconsistency of Xbox’s marketing
Tick tick… finally!
By Jonathan Garrett
The runaway success of the Fallout TV show has sparked a newfound urgency within the bowels of the Xbox marketing department. Fallout 4 getting a next gen patch is an extremely smart way to capitalise on all this positive sentiment. A quick glance at Steam player counts reveals a meaningful resurgence, and with them all being on Game Pass, it has never been a better time to hop back in.
It does however highlight an unfortunate issue with Xbox’s brand focus, in that those wheels seem to be taking forever to spin for most of their other projects. Hellblade 2 is less than a month out, and the marketing has been almost non-existent. A few hands on previews doing the rounds is fine, but without a bigger push, what should feel like an event is going to end up being wet salmon.
This is one of the most premium, next gen, Unreal Engine 5 showcases out in the wild, and yet you’d be forgiven for thinking that Xbox don’t consider it a priority. You can’t go two steps around the internet without encountering some kind of Helldivers 2 content, and for Sony, that isn’t even a first party exclusive! It’s long past time for Xbox to action this change.
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