REACTION - The Finals underperforming doesn’t mean the plug should be pulled
Room for more.
By Jonathan Garrett
Although it’s tricky for us folks on the outside to accurately track the metrics being scrutinised which determine a titles success of failure, The Finals remains one of the most polished and well supported new IP of this gen. We’ve all seen the reports and chart data pointing to a majority of titles from last gen still capturing the wider gaming market, but that doesn’t negate the fact that Embark Studios have made a fantastic game that deserves to find an ongoing audience.
With any luck, the existing playerbase will continue to engage with new updates, and there’s every chance that future iteration and improvement will lead to previous players returning to investigate how it has evolved. We’ve seen titles like Rainbow Six: Seige and For Honor go well beyond expectations years after launch, with a loyal community driving them forward.
Given all of the seemingly kneejerk cancellations, closures, and layoffs ravaging the industry, we certainly hope Nexon’s statement isn’t a precursor to an unceremonious shutdown. We’ve already had to weather the storm of Knockout City and Rumbleverse, and we don’t want to make this a triple threat of jolliness getting eliminated.
At the bottom of some of our articles, you’ll see a series of absurd looking images (with equally stupid, in joke laden names). These are the TARP badges, which represent our ‘Totally Accurate Rating Platform’. They allow us to identify specific things, recognise positive or negative aspects of a games design, and generally indulge our consistent silliness with some visual tomfoolery.