SHOUT OUT - Hats off to Team17 for the existence of Headbangers Rhythm Royale
By Jonathan Garrett
NOTE: thatHITBOX Shout Out’s are not sponsored content. They’re games, developers, individuals, or issues that we want to highlight and share purely out of interest.
It’s press release and coverage city here at thatHITBOX’s office hovel, and with such a densely packed release schedule it’s almost overwhelming to know what to cover. Then, Team17 comes along and drops Headbangers Rhythm Royale, a multi platform, cross play enabled, 30 player music rhythm game that’s launching on everything. It’s also coming to Game Pass on Day 1 (31st October 2023), which is jolly.
Like an amalgamated mix of Frobisher Says and Fall Guys, it struck me as a game I didn’t know I needed but now I absolutely do. Comedy in games is typically a very dicey proposition, and tends to lean toward gross out or immature humour to generate the lowest common denominator of easy laughs. The difference here is the animation, sound effects, and expressive nature of the characters is enough to generate a giggle without needing to utter a single word.
Bottom line: it’s a series of elimination challenges with pigeons doing various musical activities. There’s rap sequences, guess the instrument, and timing challenges. Your can customise your pigeon. The developers are called Glee-Cheese. The battle pass is completely free. It supports cross play. The score is original. There’s musical pigeons.
At the bottom of some of our articles, you’ll see a series of absurd looking images (with equally stupid, in joke laden names). These are the TARP badges, which represent our ‘Totally Accurate Rating Platform’. They allow us to identify specific things, recognise positive or negative aspects of a games design, and generally indulge our consistent silliness with some visual tomfoolery.