TINY SCOOP - Beyond Good and Evil 2 still exists, and that makes us very happy
Clutching at straws.
By Jonathan Garrett
TINY SCOOP? These are potential stories that we think have been discovered by thatHITBOX, but don’t ever break embargo’s or NDA’s. We also flat out refuse to spoil any new game announcements, or add false credence to rumours generated from other sources. If a Tiny Scoop has already been reported elsewhere first, we will endeavour to update our coverage.
Using our exceedingly thorough reading tweets approach, thatHITBOX can (probably not) exclusively reveal that Beyond Good and Evil 2, now officially the world’s longest in development title, does in fact still exist and has not been quietly cancelled. This has brought hope to our hollow existence that currently sees us navigating the challenges of life without said sequel in our console disc tray.
The previously leaked, and now finally released, 20th Anniversary Edition of the original game (which is officially our favourite video game of all time) saw Ubisoft rapid fire a series of FAQ tweets to celebrate its arrival. Buried within this exchange was direct acknowledgement that BG&E 2 wasn’t a lost cause, and is very much still cooking.
Can it ever truly deliver on the promise of that first CG trailer reveal? Given the controversy around previous studio head Michel Ancel, and its ongoing no show status, it’s entirely possible we may never see this title actually become something tangible. Regardless, my hope has been reignited, and I choose to believe!
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