Get old. Punch harder.

By Jonathan Garrett

Even though we were a tad late to the PS5 party, the very first game we played on that wonderous looking internet router was Sifu. Its subtle use of the DualSense haptics to simulate rain fall, and the clarity of the art direction, made this a visually arresting and instantly interesting title. Absolver felt like a rougher edged first step to get here, but man was it worth it.

I’m definitely won over by simplicity through design, and the lack of unnecessary fluff extends across the HUD, menu design, and overall feel. Sifu is a classic case of the developers knowing exactly what kind of game they’re trying to make; the gradual introduction of new enemy types, combos to unlock, and steadily increasing stakes maintains engagement throughout.

It totally delivers on that now slightly cliché John Wick fantasy. The combat blends ferociously fast attacks with Jason Bourne style environmental improvisation, and although the learning curve is tougher that one would expect, the punishment only makes you hungry for more. It was one of my biggest surprises this year, and well deserving of a GOTY nomination.


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