COMMENTARY - PS Plus Continues To Make Games With Gold Look Terrible
Value proposition.
By Jay Tee
Straight away, it’s important to acknowledge that any kind of free stuff is [theoretically] jolly, and indulging redundant console war discourse is, at best, a giant waste of time. With all that in mind, it continues to boggle said mind how PS Plus continues to deliver way more enticing and relevant giveaways than Games with Gold by an enormous margin.
Now, nothing beats Game Pass. That’s definitely top of the pile in terms of value and scope. But the comparison between PS+ and GWG is fair, since they’re essentially versions of the same idea; a subscription that grants access to online multiplayer and a rotating monthly library of games.
So while some might argue that “They’re free! Why are you moaning?!”, the fact is those “free” games are only accessible with a recurring monthly sub. So I feel that comparing the value of said monthly subs has merit. July’s selection on PlayStation is another varied barnstomer; the PS5 version of A Plague Tale, alongside Black Ops 4 and WWE Playgrounds. Substantial titles from major publishers that are both relevant, enticing, and will potentially tick off a couple items lingering in ones gaming backlog.
Games with Gold in July meanwhile is Planet Alpha, Rock of Ages 3, Conker, and a Midway Arcade collection.
Now, Conker is a delight, but the rest simply doesn’t compare. And this has been happening for months on end. If Microsoft want to right the ship, I say sack off Gold. Make online multiplayer free. Introduce a lower tier Game Pass sub (indies and third parties only) and be done with it. Not only will this be a massive PR win, but it would force Sony and Nintendo to up their game in order to continue justifying their premium subs.
Everything is a subscription now. Stuff like PS+ and Games with Gold isn’t just competing for your attention solely in the gaming space; players on tight budgets also have to balance whether they want Spotify, Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime, Google Stadia (I think not), or any number of other optional monthly expenses. Competition is healthy. It’s time for a change.