REACTION - Quick Resume Is Wizardry, And Today’s Update Made It Better
You’re an SSD, Harry.
By Jay Tee
When it was announced, I quickly dismissed Quick Resume as marketing guff; the kind of silly branding nonsense that led to woefully overused phrasing like “boots on the ground” and “your joy cons will always work”. Despite my [incorrect] assumptions, the experience I’ve had with Series X since launch has been largely defined by its “feel”, and Quick Resume plays a big part in that.
Being able to hop back in to various suspended game states in seconds made jumping between online multiplayer sessions (with rotating platters of games) and my single player adventures an absolute breeze. Having the option to fully shut down, unplug, and move my Series X upstairs, only to find all my games still ready to rock, is technical magic of the highest order.
Today’s Xbox console update took an already miraculous feature and improved it. Now you can see all the games currently being held in Quick Resume, and drop them out if they’re not needed. It’s a simple but massively useful quality of life tweak, and with games that support Quick Resume (which is most of them) now given a tag when you hit the Guide, AND you can now pin the Quick Resume list to your home screen, this is another win for Microsoft’s recent hot streak.
Now, about those games they’ve been promising… E3 is right around the corner. Time to show your hand, baby!