REACTION - Battlefield “Fans” Attacking DICE Devs Are Asshats
Check yourself.
By Jay Tee
There is a systemic entitlement often expressed through, and cultivated by, social media that can quickly turn online interactions between “fans” and game developers into a dangerous cocktail of harassment, threats, and vitriol. Now, this isn’t exclusive to the games industry, and it tends to be a small percentage of painfully stupid morons, but the more I see it happen, the more I feel obliged to speak up and call it out.
Andy McNamara, Director of Comms at EA, recently stated that “If I read my tweets, I believe a number of Battlefield fans are calling that I get sacked already”. This kind of immature, selfish behaviour is mind boggling.
Yes, there’s a lot of excitement for the new Battlefield game. DICE are dropping the reveal trailer in June, and it will likely feature heavily at EA Play in July. But sending death threats to developers, or calling for them to be fired, because a loud minority of idiots want something sooner is embarrassing at best, and downright psychotic at worst. These people desperately need therapy and treatment for their mental health.
I’ve never bought into the argument that “it’s the internet. That’s just the way it is”. No. That’s unacceptable to me. These asshats need to be blocked, reported, and named and shamed for being so utterly disgusting. People need to learn to be better.
Source: Andy McNamara’s Twitter