REACTION - Xbox voice reporting is a decent step towards calling out the twonks
Name and shame.
By Jonathan Garrett
We’ve all subconsciously normalised the aggressive and unnecessary nature of in game public voice chat. It’s typically a sess pool of over compensation and inferiority complexes, wrapped in a layer of pre and post pubescent immaturity. Thankfully, there are robust reporting systems being utilised by many major platform holders, publishers, and developers who are all trying to play their part.
Microsoft’s reveal of a recorded reporting system for in game voice chat is a lovely way of ensuring terminal douches have nowhere to hide. The only way things will potentially take steps toward meaningful improvement is if new approaches are explored. At the very least, this move from MS represents a clear intent to address a pervasive and problematic issue.
Whether this stops twelve year olds from yelling “you’ve got a one inch peen” at me down the mic remains unconfirmed. But I’ve got faith of the heart.
At the bottom of some of our articles, you’ll see a series of absurd looking images (with equally stupid, in joke laden names). These are the TARP badges, which represent our ‘Totally Accurate Rating Platform’. They allow us to identify specific things, recognise positive or negative aspects of a games design, and generally indulge our consistent silliness with some visual tomfoolery.